BSA Bronx Pack 162's 2012 Blue & Gold Banquet

BSA Pack 162 - 2012 Blue & Gold Banquet Senator Jeff Klein Supports Scouting, and Bronx Pack 162 BSA Pack 162 - 2012 Blue & Gold Banquet

     The BSA Pack 162 2012 Blue & Gold Banquet was a great success. The Star Wars theme was enhanced by the presence of Dart Vader, and the scouts were all truly impressed. Parent participation was at its highest level since the Pack was created, and our Founder, Artie Behrendt was extremely pleased to see his creation healthy and flourishing. The over 130 participants contributed a wide variety of foods and desserts, and the all-male cake baking exhibits were quite impressive, as well. Local political supports Joe Thompson (49th Precinct Community Board) and Senator Jeff Klein spoke in support of BSA Pack 162, and the Boy Scouting family. They also introduced new Youth Protection Programs that are underway in our community.

     On behalf of Pack 162's Leaders and Committee Members, we thank The Blue&Gold Committee, all our Scouts and their families for making our Pack 162 the finest in the Greater NY Council.




     Congratulations to all  Scouts and Leaders on advancements and awards earned at the Blue&Gold - also, many thanks to all families who brought the delicious food shared by all, and for lending a hand setting up, serving food and cleaning up.

     Also, a big round of applause goes to the Blue&Gold Committee for a superb job: The Blue&Gold Committee: Tina Garforth (Webelos), Nancy Pike (Bear Den), Andrea Barrett-Ellis (Bear Den), Jeannine Timpone (Wolf Den), Rosann Tripoli (Wolf Den), Daidai Moreno (Tiger Den) and Angela Rico.
