BSA Ten Mile River Family Camp Etiquette

Family Camp Weekly CampFire Grounds

When gathering firewood, this is not the place to get it. This firewood is collected by the Family Camp staff for the Saturday Night Campfires.

This is the Fire Station. The staff relies on this equipment in the event of fire. Do not remove any of this equipment for any reason other than fire emergency.

The Water-Front is only OPEN during specific time periods, and is then manned by Family Camp Staff. When is it CLOSED, DO NOT ENTER, ever!!!

Do NOT SWIM in any part of Lake Nianque that is outside of the designated Water-Front. Hidden underwater branches and wood debris can cause drowning.

Do not climb on Tractors or other Construction Vehicles, e.g. Land Movers, Bull Dozers, etc. Though They May Look Old, They Are Not Abandoned and Are Very Dangerous When in Motion. Put Garbage on Ground Next to Trash Compactor, Not on Top. Torn Bags on Top Can Enable Debris to Fall off and Cause Injury.

The Emergency Bell at Water-Front is Rung only Under Dire Circumstances. Only If a Scout or Camper is Missing, When There is a Fire or Other Serious Emergency is the Bell Sounded. If it is Heard, Go to the Site of the Family Camp Barn Fire or, in Bad Weather, to the Trading Post for Further Instruction. Click for Larger Image

No Rock Throwing!!!

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